Monday, October 03, 2005

Film Fest over for another year

My Film Festival had some ups and downs this year, as some of you may already know.

First off, our film Still Life With Razor was not accepted - then it was accepted (clerical error) - then we had to rush to get a screening copy - then we dragged a bunch of friends, the cast, etc. down to a midnight screening, only to be told our film was playing the following Saturday - then it played that night anyway.

The festival as a whole was very disorganized - they had many versions of "updated" schedules and people were showing up for films that weren't playing, etc..

The best film I saw at the festival (one of the great perks of being a delegate was getting a full festival pass) was Caché (Hidden) from France, with Juliette Binoche and the old man from Amelie who get's his trinket box back. There was a total jerk who sat behind us, though - he had a cold and snivelled through the whole movie, he talked through the whole thing and then said at the end "that movie sucked ass". Anyway, it was nice to hear Juliette speaking French in a movie - it's been so long.

Another good one was Salt from Iceland, except that the entire movie was handheld and in extreme close-up so it was kind of sick-making (but that was not what it was going for). BTW, if you have a freckle-fetish you have to see this one.

Can't wait for next year!

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Interesting... sorry we missed it :(