Saturday, September 10, 2005

A romantic fire and . . . whoops!

Hung out at a friend's garage sale today. Cold and wet but there is a heartwarming story that may come out of it...

Young couple enters garage. He spots four E-Z-start fire logs and gathers them up like he was picking the real thing in the forest. Now one-handed, he searches his pockets all around his pants for a few dollars with which to pay. She, while looking at other stuff, notices his dilemma and sets down her purse by the $7 rice cooker. Great day for a fire, she says, as she removes small piles from the purse and sets them all around the table. He stares blankly at the rain pouring over the edges of the eavestrough. Aha! She finds a twonie and passes it to my friend. The deal is sealed, they can go home and cuddle up by the fire without messing about with kindling and paper. She returns the piles to the purse and they scurry to the car, driving off. Another friend, also hanging about, notices one small pile left behind. Among the detritus, this month's birth control packet - yesterday's dose missing but today's still intact.


bubba said...

ok, dave, nice funny story... but what happened to the $7 rice cooker? $7 is one sweet price, eh...

soapyDave said...

it went for $4 to a Chinese couple. why were they selling it, you ask? it was much too big for them and they had recently purchased a smaller one (like mine).

kelsey said...

Ha That's a classic story. I've got a good short film idea for you reminde me to talk to you about my friend DJ's Globalfest banner adventure.