Sunday, September 04, 2005

Further Adventures of BikeClub

Here are a few pics from the ride out to Turner Valley. It was easier than I imagined but I think that had a lot to do with the lack of wind for the majority of the ride.

It was a perfect day for it! For more pictures and commentary, visit BikeClub and roadwarrior.


bubba said...

dear soapydave, why do i always look like an idiot/buffoon in your pix? when's the next x-country ride?

soapyDave said...

it's my Buffoon lens - next time i'll bring the Handsome Devil.

soon - before the winter comes??

bubba said...

does the handsome devil lens come with a hot chick?

i agree. soon. really soon. i predict snow next week.

where? i still think, if we went slowly, we can make it to banff. maybe not back on the same day.

Kyle said...

Pics not loading for me. I shall try again later.

I'm impressed that you have both the Buffoon lens and the Handsome Devil.

Those are quite pricey, from what I understand.

Your commitment to photography is something to be admired.