Thursday, December 29, 2005


I couldn't resist, after I saw this:

Mine's not as well done or as interesting as some of these.

In other news, it looks like the blokes who swiped the 2-tonne Henry Moore sculpture have revealed their reason for doing so. Apparently they are taking it on a gnome-like tour of the world. This photograph showed up in my mailbox (possibly the word about my regret in not travelling has got around):


dean said...

That transparent screen thing is pretty cool. I'd say your pic is just as good, if not better, than most of those on Flickr.

I love Flickr, I can sometimes get stuck just browsing through people's random photos.

soapyDave said...

thanks, Dean! I found this flickr show through (great name), where I clicked through my web stats as someone had found through them. our site was featured in their short-film section. you definitely can get lost on the web!

Steffie said...

that may be one of the coolest things i've ever seen.

Kyle said...

That's freaking cool