Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Why go postal when you can go Dutch?

From CBC news:


Anonymous said...

Autumn says:
I heard this story on CBC radio yesterday - who knew the Dutch had so much rage? And why would they have a gun handy while they're setting up dominos? That's crazy!

Kyle said...

I always keep a gun handy when I'm setting up four million dominoes.

Seriously, though, this whole thing is utterly bizarre on all sides. Both the domino-ers and the people who are so outraged.

I mean, ok, charge them, but why all the outrage?


soapyDave said...

what would have been a great twist is to have the resounding crack of the gunfire fall even more of the dominoes than the sparrow.

i agree about the outrage - people get their knickers in a twist about the strangest things.