Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Mmmmmm . . . cheese!

On Sunday, Gina and I went to the Springbank Cheese Co. (it's closer than Janice Beaton) and brought home 3 cheeses to try. Sampling Cheeses is fast becoming a pastime of mine. I'm also thinking that the smellier the better, in some cases you may want to avoid smelling altogether . . .

Black Pepper Brie - I love Brie - by itself, on crackers, baguette, pastry-enveloped, etc., etc. This one was good but I think the pepper was no match for the brie. I like pepper - a lot - and it was not that the pepper was too much, I just think the brie they put it in was too weak. Great starter brie if you're afraid of it.

Cashel Blue - This is a nice starter-to-mid-range blue. I found it took a while to get used to blue - especially since I've always hated crunchy bits in places they don't belong - but I started early with the run-of-the mill Danish Blue and worked my way up. I think anyone who was at our Fondue last year can attest to the value of a good Gorgonzola. This particular Cashel smelled exactly like Elastoplast bandages (Gina agreed) but was quite good on the palate.

Le Grand Chouffe - billed as "Beer-washed Belgian Cheese", this is similar to Brie in texture and in that it has a rind. The bouquet on this one is pee-filled diaper (no, really, it is) but the taste is magnificent. There is a little bit of an ammonia finish but overall, of the three, this one was my favourite.


bubba said...

there's something blue cheese that doesn't agree with me. i tried it on an airplane once and promptly ejected it into one of those little bags.

i guess it's an acquired taste especially if it smells like elastoplasts.

Steffie said...

pee filled diaper cheese. dave, you make it all sound so appetizing.

Kyle said...

Mmm, will have to go there to get cheese for the 9th..

When we were in San Fran, one of the restaurants we ate at had cheese plates on the dessert menu... I ordered the "Roaring 40's Blue"

Very, VERY intense... delicious.

soapyDave said...

bubba - that's too bad :(

steffie - it's the trend to decribe things in the awfullest of ways so only the true afficianados will dare to try (and thus keep more for themselves!) There's a new wine coming called Cat's Pee - can't wait to try it!

Kyle - sounds good, so very, very good!

bubba said...

re: reply to steffie's comment.

i'm totally not jealous of the afficionados' share of blue cheese...