Saturday, August 27, 2005


andj - at work; she was helping someone so we didn't say hello.

"Flaming Master" - a magnetic sign on the back of a minivan. After it turned I noticed on the side another magnetic sign that advertised a blacksmith.

A ball cap & suspender man escorting into the grocery store a young girl whose lower back was tattooed with a 6" swastika.


bubba said...

where does andj work? not for stalking purposes...

soapyDave said...

she's a public qt @
<;))))<<< creek

bubba said...

hey! nice <;))))<<<. i use to live in that liberry. too far away now...

kelsey said...

Dude, I'm the only qt

Except for the person who has the

Damn them!!!

soapyDave said...

you ARE the only qt, i was just saying she has similar employment

Sonia said...

I'm browsing around for help. Could you please give me a hand? I'd like to post background music on blog,but having no idea what to do. If you do,please tell me.

soapyDave said...

i know it's possible but not sure exactly how. i also know that it's fairly annoying unless it's just a short jingle type thing.

kelsey said...

Wow she posted the exact same thing on my blog. Weird.

Kyle said...

And mine...