Friday, September 18, 2009

Movie watched: La Femme Nikita

Connection to La Haine: well, we needed a connection between this and Hot Fuzz. The obvious choice was Léon (aka The Professional) but it was not handy ("WHAT!" you say, "you don't own The Professional?" – I know, I know! However, a quick replacement was on our shelf: La Femme Nikita. Nikita was directed by Luc Besson (as is Léon) and stars Jean Reno (as does Léon). Also, both films have (**SPOILER ALERT**) hitwomen as central themes.

Nikita is French and takes place in France (what are the chances?), which connects it to La Haine in it's own right. Léon gets to Hot Fuzz through a connection which I'll discuss after we've watched it.

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