Tuesday, January 08, 2008

2007 The Year in Review

2007 flew by. QTLibrarian inspired me with her year in review, so here is my not-so-month-by-month recap:

January-February - read almost 100 short screenplay entries for thinsoapy's contest in a search to find a new script. Found one and to my surprise it was from a writer living in Calgary.

March-April - started casting for the short film. Original plan was to try and shoot it in April or May. Had some issues with an addendum to the IPA that removed the ability to use union actors in projects less than 15 minutes, so we had to re-cast one of the leads.

May - Started cycling to work a couple of days a week; 12km each way. Felt great but my neck started to bother me. Switched from knapsack to pannier, helped a bit. Our plan of getting the film shot before our big trip is foiled by losing a location and then our DP to a strike. Some other things went wrong, too but I can't remember them all.

June - I finally left the continent for the first time in my life! Gina had been to Europe before but I was beginning to wonder if I would ever travel. The artificial hip was great - walked more than I had ever before and did lots of cycling. Three weeks in Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and France - eating waffles, pannenkoek and tasting many, many beers - and still we lost weight!

Dave enjoys a Kriek

July - back from Europe in time for Bre's birthday on the 2nd. Started looking for a replacement location and found a perfect substitute. Tried to get everyone together to shoot the film but postponed it to September (too many holidays). Bought a new bike so I'd be sitting up straighter. Helped the neck and took some time off the ride (smaller tires=less friction=higher average speed)! Harry Potter 7 released.

August - got down to business planning the shoot. It felt strange working through August, since it's usually the month in which we take our vacations. Continued to ride two or three days a week. Another good consequence of riding (and being gone for 3 weeks): when Honda calls to remind me it's time for my 96,000 km service I laugh at them - I'm only at 92,000! Bookclub camping trip (that should become an annual event) was fantastic.

September - Gina's family BBQ at Sheep River Falls. Finally got the film crew and cast together and shot the short. Whew!

On the Set of Sylph

October - Gina got another year older. Also the month we stopped cycling to work. Me, earlier than Gina because of a Gall Bladder attack (out of left field, and during the film festival - argghh!). Kels- this is also why I wasn't at your Austin send-off. At least the film festival was excellent (saw 10 of 12 films we purchased tix for, Gina saw 11). If you can find Adrenaline by Robert Lynn, which is a feature shot in one single continuous shot, I highly recommend it.

November - went for an early winter ride around the resevoir. Busy at work but still had some time to do a rough cut of the film.

December - went on the annual Solstice Tree Hunt. Shopping, holidays with families, the usual. As always, fun. The girls got a Wii and presently I suck at GH3 and putting in golf.

Looking forward to 2008.

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